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Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API)

Found 142 products in category API.

Product Item No. Pack­aging
   PZN    Price
Spironolactone, micronized, API
Spironolacton, mikronisiert, API  
CAS: 52-01-7
5580 1G 00774641     
5580 5G 00774658     
5580 10G 00774664     
5580 25G 11613272     
Sulfadiazine, API
Sulfadiazin, API  
Sulfadiazinum, 2-Sulfanilamidopyrimidin  
CAS: 68-35-9

4644 25G 12904818     
4644 100G 12904824     
Testosterone, micronized, API (microbial origin)
Testosteron, mikronisiert, API  
Testosteronum (mikrobielle Herkunft)  
CAS: 58-22-0

2682 1G 14216092     
2682 5G 14216100     
Testosterone propionate, micronized API
Testosteronpropionat, mikronis., API  
Testosteroni propionas  
CAS: 57-85-2

2683 1G 05491959     
2683 5G 02364947     
2683 25G 02364918     
Tetracaine, API
Tetracain, API  
CAS: 94-24-6
4680 1G 12602862     
4680 5G 12602879     
4680 25G 14232777     
Tetracaine hydrochloride, API
Tetracainhydrochlorid, API  
Tetracaini hydrochloridum  
CAS: 136-47-0

4681 5G 10206352     
4681 10G 01972314     
4681 100G 01972308     
4681 250G 13985747     
Tetracycline hydrochloride, API (microbial origin)
Tetracyclinhydrochlorid, API (mikrobielle Herkunft)  
Tetracyclini hydrochloridum  
CAS: 64-75-5

4684 5G 10206257     
4684 10G 01972343     
4684 25G 01972366     
4684 100G 01972320     
Theophylline-ethylendiamine-hydrate, API
Theophyllin-Ethylendiamin-Hydrat, API  
Theophyllinum et ethylendiaminum hydricum  
CAS: 317-34-0

2691 25G 09701023     
2691 100G 09701046     
Theophylline, API
Theophyllin, API  
CAS: 58-55-9
2690 25G 09930812     
2690 100G 09930829     
Arnica tincture (70%) 1:10, API
Tinctura Arnicae (70 %) 1 : 10, API  

g255 250ML 16816554     
g255 250ML 1709396*     
g255 1L 16816560     
g255 1L 1709404*     
g255 5L 16816577     
g255 5L 1709410*     
g255 20L 11613303     

* Diese PZN wurde durch eine neue PZN ersetzt

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