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Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (API)

Found 142 products in category API.

Product Item No. Pack­aging
   PZN    Price
Bitter-orange-epicarp and mesocarp tincture (70%) 1:5, API
Tinctura Aurantii (70 %) 1 : 5, API  

g258 100ML 17596818     
g258 100ML 1709433*     
g258 1L 17596847     
g258 1L 2319326*     
g258 5L 17596853     
g258 5L 2319332*     
Myrrh tincture (90%) 1:5, API
Tinctura Myrrhae (90 %) 1 : 5, API  
g320 100ML 09208469     
g320 250ML 09208481     
g320 1L 09208475     
Rhatany tincture (70%) 1:5, API
Tinctura Ratanhiae (70 %) 1 : 5, API  

g327 100ML 05024985     
g327 250ML 05024991     
g327 1L 05025045     
Sage tincture (70%) 1:10, API
Tinctura Salviae (70 %) 1 : 10, API  

g333 100ML 16816583     
g333 100ML 1794479*     
g333 1L 16816614     
g333 1L 2321949*     
Valerian tincture (70%) 1:5, API
Tinctura Valerianae (70 %) 1 : 5, API  

g348 250ML 09725271     
g348 2500ML 09725288     
g348 1L 09725294     
g348 5L 09725302     
g348 20L 00705605     
Tretinoin, cryst., API
Tretinoin, cryst., API  
Tretinoinum, Vitamin A-Säure  
CAS: 302-79-4

Lagerung unter Inertgas
9560 100MG 11050627     
9560 500MG 06183102     
9560 1G 11658731     
Triamcinolone, micronized, API (microbial origin)
Triamcinolon, mikronisiert, API (mikrobielle Herkunft)  
CAS: 124-94-7

2704 250MG 06786007     
2704 500MG 06786013     
2704 1G 06786036     
Triamcinolone acetonide, micronized, API
Triamcinolonacetonid, mikronisiert, API  
Triamcinoloni acetonidum  
CAS: 76-25-5

2705 500MG 03110108     
2705 1G 03110114     
2705 5G 03110120     
2705 10G 03110137     
2705 25G 03110143     
2705 50G 17149427     
2705 100G 11046471     
2705 250G 17149456     
Triclosan, API  
CAS: 3380-34-5
2701 5G 00703061     
2701 10G 00703078     
2701 25G 00703084     
2701 100G 10206240     
2701 250G 11613349     
2701 1KG 11613355     
Xylometazoline hydrochloride, API
Xylometazolinhydrochlorid, API  
Xylometazolini hydrochloridum  
CAS: 1218-35-5

4730 1G 08704841     
4730 5G 08704858     

* Diese PZN wurde durch eine neue PZN ersetzt

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