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Chemicals & Galenicals

Found 432 products in category Chemicals & Galenicals.

Product Item No. Pack­aging
   PZN    Price
Bitter-orange-epicarp and mesocarp tincture (70%) 1:5, API
Tinctura Aurantii (70 %) 1 : 5, API  

g258 100ML 17596818     
g258 100ML 1709433*     
g258 1L 17596847     
g258 1L 2319326*     
g258 5L 17596853     
g258 5L 2319332*     
Belladonna leaf tincture (70%) standardised
Tinctura Belladonnae normata (70 %)  
Eingestellte Belladonnatinktur  

g259 100ML 17596876     
g259 100ML 1709462*     
g259 250ML 17596882     
g259 250ML 1709479*     
g259 5L 17149373     
Benzoe tincture, Siam (90%) 1:5
Tinctura Benzoes (90 %) 1 : 5, Siam-Benzoe-Tinktur  

g260 250ML 09725118     
g260 1L 09725130     
Capsicum tincture (85%), standardised
Tinctura Capsici normata (85 %)  
Eingestellte Cayennepfeffertinktur  

g267 100ML 17596942     
g267 100ML 1709516*     
g267 250ML 17596959     
g267 250ML 1794284*     
g267 1L 17596965     
g267 1L 231967*     
Hawthorn leaf and flower tincture (70%) 1:5
Tinctura Crataegi e Fol. cum Flor. (70 %) 1 : 5  
Weißdorntinktur aus Blättern und Blüten  

g289a 100ML 17597025     
g289a 100ML 2320252*     
g289a 1L 17597048     
g289a 1L 2320275*     
Ginseng tincture (70%) 1:5
Tinctura Ginseng (70 %) 1 : 5  

g303a 1L 06553243     
Hop tincture (70%) 1:5
Tinctura Humuli lupuli (70 %) 1 : 5  

g307 1L 17597137     
g307 1L 2320996*     
St. John's wort tincture (70%) 1:5
Tinctura Hyperici (70 %) 1 : 5  

g309 100ML 17597143     
g309 100ML 2321027*     
g309 1L 17597189     
g309 1L 2321056*     
Ipecacuanha tincture (70%), standardized
Tinctura Ipecacuanhae normata (70%)  
Eingestellte Ipecacuanhatinktur  

g310 250ML 10779680     
Iodine tincture
Tinctura Jodi  
Ethanolhaltige Iod-Lösung  

g312 100ML 17597195     
g312 100ML 2321145*     
g312 250ML 17597226     
g312 250ML 1709657*     
g312 1L 17597232     
g312 1L 1709663*     

* Diese PZN wurde durch eine neue PZN ersetzt


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