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Medicinal herbs

Found 182 products in category Medicinal Herbs.

Product Item No. Pack­aging
   PZN    Price
Fennel, bitter
Fructus Foeniculi amari tot.  
Bitterer Fenchel  

395 100G 02656265     
395 250G 02658100     
395 1KG 02658117     
Fructus Juniperi tot.  

405 250G 04692638     
Bilberry Fruit, dried
Fructus Myrtilli sicc. tot.  
Getrocknete Heidelbeeren  

413 100G 04692928     
413 250G 04692934     
Pericarp of the Bean without peel, cut
Fructus Phaseoli sine Semine conc.  

418 250G 04741325     
418 1KG 04741348     
Fructus Sambuci tot.  

424a 100G 04741414     
Bourbon vanilla superfine
Fructus Vanillae EXTRAFEIN BOURBON  
Vanille Stg. in Glasröhrchen  

427a 1ST 04741650     
427a 5ST 02516038     
Vanilla sugar
Fructus Vanillae saccharatum 1 + 9  
Vanillezucker, Saccharum Vanillae  

428 100G 04741667     
428 250G 04741673     
Wormwood, cut
Herba Absinthii conc.  

452 100G 02656176     
452 250G 02657810     
452 1KG 02657827     
Agrimony, cut
Herba Agrimoniae conc.  

459 250G 04742980     
Alchemilla, cut
Herba Alchemillae vulg. conc.  

463 100G 02656012     
463 250G 02657365     
463 1KG 02657388     
463 5KG 17149189     

* Diese PZN wurde durch eine neue PZN ersetzt


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