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Medicinal herbs

Found 190 products in category Medicinal Herbs.

Product Item No. Pack­aging
   PZN    Price
Club moss, cut
Herba Lycopodii conc.  

533 100G 04745122     
533 250G 04745174     
Marjoram herb, rubbed
Herba Majoranae gerebelt  

534 100G 04745205     
534 250G 04745234     
Melilot herb, cut
Herba Meliloti conc.  

539 250G 04745398     
Yarrow herb, cut
Herba Millefolii conc.  

545 100G 02656035     
545 250G 02657448     
545 250G 4293594*     
545 500G 02657483     
545 500G 2001831*     
545 1KG 02657508     
545 1KG 2001848*     
Oregano herb, rubbed
Herba Origani gerebelt  

554 100G 03339874     
554 100G 4293631*     
554 250G 03339880     
Feverfew herb, cut
Herba Parthenii conc.  

555c 100G 04745547     
Passion flower herb, cut
Herba Passiflorae incarnatae conc.  

556 100G 04745665     
556 250G 04745694     
Plantain herb, cut
Herba Plantaginis majoris conc.  

558 250G 04745760     
Goldenrod, cut
Herba Solidaginis conc.  

600 100G 02656153     
600 250G 02657796     
600 1KG 02657804     
Dandelion herb with root, cut
Herba Taraxaci cum Radice conc.  
Löwenzahnkraut mit Wurzel  

930 100G 00635460     
930 250G 00635477     
930 1KG 00635483     
930 1KG 16502838*     

* Diese PZN wurde durch eine neue PZN ersetzt


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